Leg pain with varicose veins: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Physical pain is an unpleasant and multifaceted feeling. The presence of a pain factor indicates a problem in the body. By explaining the localization and what pain the patient is experiencing, the specialist will be able to determine their source and cause. If you suspect the presence of varicose veins, general clinical examination (blood, urine) and possibly instrumental examinations will be required to accurately differentiate the problem.

Leg pain associated with varicose veins

However, in order to independently determine the presence of a problem and refer it to a specialist, it is important to emphasize it against the background of ordinary fatigue or weakness. What pain does a person with varicose veins experience? What is their specificity? And what treatment is possible in this situation? You will find the answers to these and other questions in our article.

Pain in the legs with varicose veins: symptoms and causes

Pain with varicose veins is not the only manifestation of this disease, but a serious concern. How severe is leg pain with varicose veins? Of course, there are differences in the thresholds of individual sensitivity, but the intensity of most pain syndromes depends on the characteristics of the actual pathological process.

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Pain in the legs with varicose veins includes many unpleasant sensations: aches, spasms, cramps, burning, stretching and pressure along the venous bed. They have a sudden, painful and throbbing character.

As a rule, the pain syndrome is felt more or less, depending on the position of the body, whether it is loaded with any load at the moment. Pain also has a time-dependent nature. This means that with a certain time of day, the pain syndrome begins to intensify. Thus, severe pain with varicose veins begins in the afternoon. Varicose veins of the uterus and varicose veins of the small pelvis, severe pain in the lower abdomen is often felt, depending on the time.

An insidious disease such as varicose veins covers the entire joint and can cause pain in the joints of the lower leg, calf muscles and popliteal cavity. The person experiences the most acute discomfort in the area of neurovascular formations. In addition, edema of the legs may occur in the area where the vascular bundle is more superficial. This is another sign of varicose veins progressing and there is already a disruption of lymph flow. Does the swelling make the pain in your foot worse? Of course yes. Swelling caused by disorders of the venous system of the lower extremities is characterized by compression on the affected vessel and even a local increase in temperature. The combination of symptoms such as pain in the vein and its deformation, persistent, persistent edema, and trophic changes indicate stage II varicose veins. This stage is considered an advanced form of the disease. To prevent this, it is important to know the triggers and the exact symptoms of this vascular disease.

The feeling of heaviness in the legs, along with pain, is a symptom of varicose veins.

If any of the following symptoms occur, you should be alerted and prompted to see a doctor:

  • feeling of heaviness and muscle weakness in the legs;
  • tingling and burning along the veins;
  • feeling of internal pressure or "swelling";
  • appearance of telangiectasia and increased venous pattern;
  • swelling of deformed vessels;
  • trophic skin changes;
  • wounds that do not heal for a long time in the legs;
  • swollen events;
  • concussion of the lower extremities;
  • leg muscle cramps;
  • pain syndrome.

No disease happens by itself. There are factors that can be called provocative. Varicose veins are no exception, so they can cause the appearance of:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • congenital weakness of connective tissue and vascular walls;
  • sedentary lifestyle and static sports;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • standing or sitting for long periods of time (for example, at work);
  • malnutrition and overweight;
  • having bad habits;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • soft tissue damage;
  • surgical intervention;
  • liver disease.

Based on the presence of these factors in a person, he is included in the risk group for the development of vascular pathology. How to minimize the risk of developing the disease? What can you do if you start to feel pain in your legs? How and when to reduce leg pain in varicose veins? How to relieve the symptoms of varicose veins and treat blood vessels - in our article.

Leg pain with varicose veins: prevention and treatment

The key to successful treatment of varicose veins is a balanced healthy diet

Before embarking on the prevention and treatment of vascular diseases, it is worth a little understanding why there is pain in the legs with varicose veins? Pain in the legs with varicose veins occurs due to the formation of an irreversible pathological process in the veins, under the influence of which they stretch and deform, blood circulation is disrupted and venous stagnation occurs. Therefore, preventive measures and treatment will aim not only to get rid of pain, but also to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Legs in varicose veins require special care and attention. What to do when the first signs of pathology begin to appear?

The first thing to do when something hurts is to see a doctor.

If, after a series of manipulations, a specialist learns that the pain is caused by varicose veins, the appropriate treatment will be chosen. It will help to get rid of the manifestations of varicose veins and improve the quality of life, because varicose veins are not a sentence.

In the treatment of any disease, it is recommended to change your lifestyle in the first place. It is simply not possible to be a healthy person with a passive lifestyle, bad habits, unbalanced daily routine and poor nutrition. Therefore, the first step that will help relieve pain in the legs with varicose veins will be a qualitative change and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to bring harmony to work and rest. Labor should not be associated with excessive physical and mental stress. Rest should include a full, healthy night's sleep. Leisure time should be spent actively - stay in the fresh air and do sports. The latter include swimming, racing, aerobics. Not hit by heavy physical activity classes and not overloaded.

Expert opinion

Proper nutrition is important for the venous walls to be strong and elastic. Here, depending on the stage and dynamics of the disease, a specialist can suggest a therapeutic diet. The main principle is balance. Vitamins, fiber, plant fibers, flavonoids, etc. in the diet. Must be enriched with foods. It is useful to eat lean chicken or beef, as well as lean white fish, berries and fruits with vitamin C, dried fruits (raisins, dates). , almost all vegetables, nuts and legumes, cereals, as well as natural carbonated beverages. Fried, salty, smoked and spicy foods should be excluded.

If for any reason an additional food source is required, a specialist will prescribe it - a complex of venotonic vitamins and plant extracts that act in several directions simultaneously due to the presence of active natural components. Using this tool, you can strengthen and clean the walls of venous vessels, improve blood circulation, reduce capillary permeability and fragility.

In addition, depending on which specialist determines the stage of the disease, it will also depend on how the disease will be treated - conservative or radical.

Conservative treatment includes:

  • take medicine;
  • use of foreign products;
  • physiotherapy;
  • wear medical compression stockings.
Medications for the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities

The use of the drug will stop the damage to the venous bed, control the level of blood viscosity and the formation of blood clots, as well as have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Taking medication in combination with the use of local remedies will increase the positive effect on the arteries. You can use an ointment or cream not only as a treatment for pain in varicose veins, but also for prevention. The action will depend on the composition of the product. Its components can be both synthetic and natural. Synthetic products are used not only to relieve swelling, fatigue and pain, but also to heal after vascular surgery. Varicose veins during pregnancy or at risk can be resisted by using natural products. Their effectiveness is directly related to the active natural ingredients included in the composition. Foot cream with extracts of chestnut, green tea and ginkgo biloba has a venotonic effect that will help relieve pain in the legs with varicose veins. Thanks to the use of this cream, you can eliminate inflammation and pain, as well as improve the appearance of the skin.

Medical gymnastics will make a significant contribution to improving the venous system.

Daily exercises, which are not more difficult than morning exercises, will help to eliminate unpleasant numbness, cramps and heaviness in the limbs. The set of exercises is selected individually, taking into account the capabilities and situation. The most popular at home are "Bicycle", "Scissors" and a stand on the shoulder blades. In an office environment, you can sit at a desk, simply rotate your legs, bend your toes, and extend your legs without bending.

It is recommended to wear compression stockings daily to improve blood circulation and eliminate unpleasant symptoms such as swelling and pain. The type of product and the degree of compression are selected taking into account the dynamics of the disease.

Radical therapy includes invasive and minimally invasive methods. Specialists try to contact them if conservative treatment does not help or the situation is assessed as difficult.

Take care of your health!