Varicose veins of the lower extremities treatment at home

Varicose veins – it is most often disease of women, because their vascular system is constantly suffering because of stress during pregnancy, childbirth and wearing high heel shoes. But the strong half of humanity can also face this disease, because of the excessive physical and sporting loads. In addition to pharmacological treatments to remove varicose veins may be at home. For this there are a number of effective and simple methods.

Polishing with varicose veins

Apple cider vinegar

Apple-vinegar-thanks to-significantly-improve blood circulation-blood

This is familiar to many Housewives, the product improves blood circulation, thanks to the light warming effect. A particularly good Apple cider vinegar helps the presence of nodules. RUB his feet should be carefully washed feet. The product is applied before bedtime, but better to do it two hours before bedtime. After that, Apple cider vinegar RUB the aching limbs upward. Vinegar to relieve pain and swelling, which allows for normal sleep and relieve fatigue. Duration of treatment two weeks, then a break for two months.


The leaves of the plant is thoroughly crushed and put in a glass jar. This should be equal to the capacity of the crushed leaves. Fill the jar with vodka or brandy quality. The bank certainly should be closed tightly and put in a dark place for a week. Every day shake the jar Kalanchoe give all the juice. A week you need to use the tool rubbing the feet just before bedtime. The duration of treatment is 30 days, after which pause six months.

Lemon juice

The treatment should only take freshly prepared juice. It is rubbed into the affected varicose veins on the legs twice a day, morning and evening. The duration of treatment is at least one month, because during this time the fruit juice can help relieve pain, remove the blue mesh to improve the Overall condition of the patient.

Attention! While using the vinegar should be taken only an Apple! A traditional table can be very hurt and cause skin irritation.

The juices in the treatment of varicose veins

To eliminate the disease is inside and using external means, that may be much quick and visible results. One of the means of internal home treatment is the use of healing juices.


To get the result the intake of juices, it is important to observe the proportions of the ingredients. These proportions are the following: – 7:4:3:2. Be sure that all the products were as fresh as possible, because these vegetables and plants are preserved in minerals in large quantities. Drink the juice three times a day the amount is 100 ml. The duration of treatment is one month, then you need to take a break. Break between courses must not be less than twelve weeks. This combination of products allows to reduce the development of atherosclerosis and cleanse the blood vessels from calcification.


Yhdistelmä-tuotteita--porkkana-pinaatti-punajuuri-avulla-parempia-liikkeeseen-ja-clear-uudelleen täytettävä

Also in the preparation of this juice you should observe the proportions, which formed the 10:3:3. This combination allows to improve blood circulation, remove the container, to increase the number of red blood cells. Drink the juice should also three times a day. Because the recipe is fresh beetroot, which can cause heartburn, you should drink the means 30-60 minutes after the main meal. The duration of treatment using a combination of juice of carrot-spinach-beetroot is 10 days.

Attention! When you use juices, be sure to observe the dosage, as only this makes it possible to see the real efficiency. All of these drinks should be combined with external medications.

Compresses against varicose veins

Green tomatoes

Vegetables should be mashed into a puree or cut into thin slices. This should be as much tomato pulp, that it covers all affected areas. After spreading the tomato on top is superimposed gauze and an elastic bandage or oilcloth, which does not allow fluid to come out. This compress is retained for two hours, then rinse all with warm water. Per day this procedure can be done twice to get faster results.

Potato peel

It should be thoroughly washed to be any sand and dirt. After shells are cooked and cooled to a comfortable temperature, apply to all areas. Such as tomatoes, peel is worth having so much that it completely covered with varicose veins. Instead, the shell can be taken and peeled potatoes, but he is not quick results. Foot to push the gauze or other natural thing. Keep this poultice should be all night. After this procedure the patient greatly improves blood circulation that is necessary to eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins.

Alcohol pack

Do this procedure at night to undermine all the smell of alcohol. Previously, the patient should be well to steam the legs, wipe them off immediately and spread the heels with alcohol or vodka. After that you need to wear warm socks, a heavy loss it is recommended to use up to two pairs. Using rubbing alcohol, it should immediately go to bed, get a good result. Compress improves blood circulation and helps to reduce the manifestation of the blue mesh.

Attention! Treatment of these methods is possible within four weeks, and then take a break for eight weeks and, if necessary, re-execute the course of treatment.

Tinctures for the treatment of varicose veins


Garlic-lemon-liqueur-perfect-assistant-in-treating-varicose expansion of veins

To prepare the pharmaceutical wiped 500 g lemon peel and 150 g of garlic, it should also be cleaned from the husk. The resulting mass is put in a jar, and it is glass. Ingredients pour boiled water at room temperature in the amount of three liters and tightly closed. The resulting liquid is infused for three days in a room. Definitely day need up to five times to shake the container of food to get a good concentration of substances. Make a tincture of it should be in the amount of 100 ml three times meals. The duration of treatment lemon-garlic tincture is 10 days.

Carrots varicose veins

To prepare a tincture, you need to take one tablespoon of crushed leaves of the plant, it must be cleaned. Plant part, pour 250 ml of boiling water, to insist within an hour under a towel or cover. Take the drug with 200 ml before meals three times a day. The duration of treatment should be about 10 days.

Cognac and Apple

This tool is not a tincture, but a mixture of brandy and fresh Apple lets you get a unique concentration of nutrients that allows you to work the cardiovascular system. This is especially important when the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Care for brandy is very simple. Enough empty stomach to drink 50 grams of alcohol to drink and eat his Apple. It is very important to eat all the bones, because they greatly improve the condition. Treated in this way possible that 21 days every six months.

Attention! Before treatment method is recommended that your doctor check the level of cholesterol, and repeat the treatment two times a break for six months.

A combination of home recipes medications

All described the home recipes can be included in the system, where the second component of the treatment should be pharmaceutical preparation.

A combination of medications and home methods is to follow a few rules:

  • traditional recipes to use in the evening, if they are in the nature of a poultice or a tincture;
  • juices can be drunk at any time of the day without regard to the ingestion of drugs;
  • the tablets can be taken at any time of the day;
  • when used in pharmaceutical gels, lotions and home funds for the rubbing, compresses is important to adhere to the two hour break between treatments;
  • compresses also better to do before going to bed;
  • if you have chosen the folk prescription, and the medication is same active substance, dose traditional medicine it is necessary to determine the attending physician.

Attention! When applying for a pharmacy and home recipes, there is a probability of no real effect of treatment, but also increases the risk of unexpected side effects due to the mixing of different active substances.


If you are faced with varicose veins, do not ignore the traditional treatment. Home treatments can show the real efficiency without the use of drugs only in the early stages of disease development, while if it is not related to heart disease. In other cases, traditional methods can only be part of a complex treatment to prevent complications of the condition.