Treatment of varicose veins folk remedies at home

Treatment of varicose veins folk remedies at home is very popular, almost everyone is looking for or already know a few of these methods to use at home, as prevention of the disease.

Treatment of varicose veins folk remedies at home

Varicose veins on the legs

Varicose veins or varicose veins refer to a number of common diseases that affect the veins of the lower extremities. When the disease is a significant increase in the superficial veins, which is accompanied by disorders of the valves and blood flow.

Visually, the disease manifests itself in the form of swelling of the veins, noticeable change in the shape of the vessels and reduced elasticity. Also new evidence that the disease is the visible mesh of fine capillaries, which is formed near the surface of the skin. Violation of blood circulation in the affected veins can cause the development of blood clots. The causes of the disease is impaired blood circulation, which is caused by poor lifestyle without adequate physical activity.

Causes of varicose veins are obesity and pregnancy as a result of weight gain, elevated veins of the lower extremities and the pelvic region. At the same time reduced blood flow to the heart muscle.

High-risk groups, whose professional activity is associated with a long-term stay on his feet or permanent pedestrian movements during the work shift. Is great sex varicose veins is the result of prolonged wearing of tight shoes with high heels. In this case, the disease is the result of a desire to create beauty.

According to medical statistics, women are more likely to suffer from illness, which is common passing them in the body hormonal changes throughout life, which include pregnancy and menopause. Harmful habits, such as craving for nicotine, is the cause of the disease, because it leads to poor blood circulation.

The first signs of the disease is the presence of visible varicose veins are small blood vessels and a constant feeling of heaviness in the legs, which rises at the end of the day. The initial stage is enough relaxation of the signs of a possible illness are gone. This will play havoc most people who suffer from the disease, because the apparent passage of any symptoms does not mean a complete cure. Another clear indication of varicose veins comes at the stage that treatment can be only surgical.

The following symptoms may indicate the presence of varicose veins:

  • the constant swelling of the thighs or the lower leg, eventually the whole swollen tissue growth;
  • noticeable on palpation of the seal skin to the lower leg region;
  • violation of skin pigmentation. The foot began to take a strong reddish tint, sometimes becoming grayish;
  • constant pain in the calf muscles, which are much aggravated by walking;
  • painful when palpation of the veins;
  • the last sign of running form of the disease is the appearance of venous ulcers.

Varicose veins fairly easy to acquire, and difficult to get rid of. Treatment of varicose veins disease is running, and has a number of methods:

  • The use of special spanx or tights, that help to cope with the disease in the early stages of development.
  • Medication, which consists in the reception of tableted drugs or use various creams and oils.
  • Surgical intervention is the last chance to cope with an existing illness and applied to the last stages of the disease.
  • Laser therapy, which is a more modern analogue of the cut, because it does not require dissection of the soft tissue and helps to remove all the nodes and blood clots in the veins without the knife.
  • Traditional methods, which when applied correctly can lead to positive results.
Use any of the methods, except the most radical, and its aim is not only to get rid of the external symptoms, but to eliminate the root causes of the disease. In the case of varicose veins the cause is a change in the composition of the blood, which leads to a change in its viscosity, which reduces the speed of blood circulation.

The cause of the disease is to reduce the elasticity of blood vessels of the lower limbs and that return lost elasticity should be directed to treatment methods.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods, which aim to achieve a positive result should not be based on using only one method. They should be comprehensive, combining multiple available therapeutic procedures.

Treatment of varicose veins
Locate the methods and techniques necessary to make a correct diagnosis and determine the severity of existing varicose veins. You can do this, the first sign of the disease should be mandatory to visit a qualified phlebologist that determines the severity of the disease and prescribe appropriate therapeutic interventions.

Acceptable way, that can be done at home, is a therapeutic foot massage. The action is directed to the removal of the swelling and improve the blood circulation in the muscles.

Women can recommend the special underwear is called a compression. The principle of clothing is to compress the legs, which leads to compression of the damaged veins. Such linen is not the only method, but works as an excellent prevention against the development of varicose veins in the future. Modern industry has taken care of the male part of the population, giving special underwear for men.

The first sign of varicose veins is recommended to make changes in established habits. In particular, should avoid the sitting position, legs. This position is compression of the veins, which can lead to stagnation of the blood.

Would be off aside from the beautiful, but tight high-heeled shoes and forget their existence. Should during the day, try to frequently change the position of the body and legs, avoid prolonged standing or sitting in one position.

Get rid of the existing symptoms of the disease at home to help regular performance of simple exercises, which is a kind of exercises for the legs. When you download a simple approach, walk on toes, daily Hiking, walking on the stairs.

Anyone can easily find exercises that will help the first sign of the disease and significantly improve the condition of the lower extremities. Thus, it is necessary to start gymnastics small loads, which are gradually encouraged to increase.

Perform gymnastics not constitute a waiver of combination therapy. The treatment of varicose veins folk remedies at home to perfect the techniques that achieve guaranteed positive results. The best known and most popular recipes used, if the varicose veins is the application of Apple cider vinegar, cabbage leaves and different herbs to make healing poultices for the feet. They lead not only improve blood circulation but helps to remove swelling and remove fatigue.

Recipes of traditional medicine

There is a wide variety of popular recipes, which aims to eliminate not only outer manifestations of varicose veins of the lower extremities, but also to get rid of the causes of the disease. In particular improves the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce blood viscosity. The most common recipes are as follows.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a great option. It is not expensive, you can find almost every store. Here is a proven remedy for varicose veins apple cider vinegar.

  • Buy a quality apple cider vinegar. Sold in a grocery store.
  • Look at the composition of apple cider vinegar. Must be undiluted. Effective treatment of varicose veins.
  • Buy the undiluted apple cider vinegar and clean each night the problem areas. Repeat the wiping every morning.
  • Every day, mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
  • Drink a mixture of apple cider vinegar with water twice a day.
  • Wait about a month until the varicose veins disappear!
Horse chestnut Horse chestnut

Example of the use of horse chestnut is a good natural remedy, which can be used not only varicose veins but hemorrhoids. Natural medicine affects the body, reducing the symptoms in patients, veins such as: varicose veins, pain, fatigue, swelling in the legs. Horse chestnut reduces inflammation, strengthens blood vessels, improves the resistance of venous capillaries and reduces the permeability of fluids. To reduce the load on the veins of blood vessels and swelling.

Leech therapy and leech

Hirudotherapy or leech therapy refers to alternative methods is used quite often in diseases of the blood. Leeches during suction to inject into the wound a substance hirudin, which has a positive effects on the condition of the blood, effectively diluting it, cleans the blood and reduces clotting. A process can obtain the following positive effects:

  • strengthening the walls of the affected blood vessels;
  • supplementary feeding of soft tissues, normalize the metabolism in cells.
  • The general toning effect on the lower extremities, which are prone to varicose veins.

The procedure is applied to the skin one or two leeches. In order to accelerate the achievement of a positive effect, the number of leeches may be increased. They are located along the problematic veins.

Treatment with leeches should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist, because use of these worms can cause side effects. Primarily leeches are parasites saliva which in addition to the hirudin may contain allergens and bacteria. Before treatment, the doctor determines the size of the set of relevant tests. The purpose is to identify the risk of side effects. Course duration can be up to 7 sessions without a break, after which it is recommended to take a break

Tincture of Kalanchoe maternity

Quite a popular house plant, Kalanchoe is an effective drug in the fight against varices inflammation of the veins. It has long been known for its healing properties, such as Kalanchoe contains large amounts of mineral and organic salts. It promotes healing of ulcers and wounds, accelerate blood circulation and reduce inflammation.

Before cooking you need to follow the simple rules of care of the Kalanchoe. You need to water the plant about 1 week. Such a step is that you need to cut the leaves. Wash, dry and put in the fridge to cool them down.

Infusion take a glass jar of 0.5 liters. Take the leaves and put it in the bottom of the jar so that they filled half of the jar. Next, pour the leaves of Kalanchoe, alcohol or plain vodka. Tightly close the jar, put in a dark and inaccessible to children place. You need to shake the liquid in the Bank from time to time.When the infusion praesentes, you must RUB my feet at night only. It should do, lifting the legs up to the knees. After rubbing need to wrap the foot in a warm blanket or wear woolen socks

Horse chestnut

Tincture varicose veins can be prepared quite easily. In the autumn collect 10 large horse chestnuts, then chop finely and place in a small jar. You can equina the chestnut more alcohol. Bank liquid should stay in the sun for 7 weeks.

After that, when the mixture should swell and thicken. Next you need to pour in small jars and RUB into affected areas every day.

Packaging tomatoes Tomatoes
Method used for method used for tomatoes, there are several recipes using the vegetable. According to which can be applied to the ripe red fruit and unripe. The use of green tomatoes is often carried out two recipes.
  1. Immature ovaries should be cut into large pieces, which further stack along the major nodes of the veins of the legs. After some time there will be a palpable feeling of burning in the area to find a tomato, which is a signal to exit. It is recommended to rinse your feet with cool running water.
  2. The second recipe is almost the same as the first, with the difference that the tomato should be cut in half, that must be placed in the subject range. After the start of the burning of the tomato should be removed, and feet washed.

The essential difference of this method is that the application of the procedure in half you peribunt tomato is repeated five times. To achieve a significant positive effect occurs after two weeks of regular application method, which will manifest itself as a significant emollitio existing nodes and the subsequent complete disappearance.

Decoction of calendula

To prepare a decoction of calendula requires a significant effort and easily prepared at home. To obtain a medicinal drink should be 2 tablespoons of dried flowers placed in an enamel bowl and pour boiling water in the amount of one glass, after which the resulting solution was necessary to insist on a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, the broth should drain and add the plain boiled water glass. Before use the resulting broth should infuse for two days, which allows the calendula to fully disclose all of its healing properties.