How to treat varicose veins on the legs in women at home

The question how to treat varicose veins on the legs of women in the home is always relevant. Because women more often than men can experience varicose veins, regardless of age. When time has a tendency to the occurrence of the disease in young girls. Therefore, it is important to start treatment to prevent the development of disease.

Symptoms of varicose veins on the legs in women

Symptoms of varicose veins on the legs in women can be stable and permanent, but can appear at times and disappear for a while. It all depends on the type and severity of the disease. The main symptoms are.

Symptoms of varicose veins on the legs in women
  • There is a feeling of heaviness in the legs, towards evening he felt more often the fatigue of walking, may occur even during the day.
  • An increasingly prominent blue veins on the legs, they seemed to swell, sometimes dark blue.
  • The appearance of nodules in the legs, so there may be veins, they are visible small nodules.
  • Often there is swelling in the legs. In addition, swelling can occur in any area of the foot and a number of areas. They often appear on the legs, the ankle, the area of the foot.
  • Often there are spasms, the muscles contract painfully
  • Due to the lack of nutrients, add to dry skin
  • The skin appear seal brown to black
  • Running the disease leads to venous ulcers

It looks like varicose veins in the legs

It looks like varicose veins in the legs is not aesthetically pleasing, especially in the later stages.

  • In the initial stage only to see that expanded to a couple of wreath. It can sometimes be completely invisible.
  • Then there are vascular asterisks, sometimes they create a pattern like a spider web.
  • If you don't take any measures, the disease will progress, and then venous nodes to swell even more and come out. The skin of the affected location will darken, lose elastic, becomes dense.
  • With the development of the disease, sometimes have cramps and a burning sensation in the swelling of the veins.
  • When running a serious and more obvious clinical picture of the affected areas.
  • Blood stops
  • Do more frequent and intensive pain
  • Appear on the skin, sores, dermatitis, eczema
  • You experience itching, severe burn
  • Performers bubbles burst and bleed
  • To develop blockage of blood vessels by blood clots, causing a number of eye, thrombophlebitis

Causes of varicose veins on the legs in women

Despite the fact that the causes of varicose veins on the legs in women different often, why the occurrence of the related factors.

  • The genetic characteristics of the organism
  • Congenital vascular abnormalities
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Acquired diseases of the blood vessels

The main causes of varicose veins in the legs in women

  • From constant sedentary work, or when you have a long time to stand
  • Sedentary way of life
  • From misuse, Smoking and alcohol
  • Bad eating habits
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • Bad environment
  • Foot injuries
  • Often wearing tight clothing or high heels
  • Chronic constipation

It is worth noting that the problems with veins can occur even in young twenty-year-old girls. Usually women have varicose veins joint to a large extent, what men.

How to treat varicose veins on the legs in women

The treatment of varicose veins in legs at home is divided on the extent to which the disease

  • The main treatment for early stages of the disease when there is a small swelling to stop
  • Subsidiary, holistic treatment, when the disease is already running
  • Preventive measures after surgery for pathology of the veins does not develop

In most cases, to get rid of varicose veins on the legs in women, treatment should be comprehensive, which in turn increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels should:

  • Take medication
  • Take vitamins
  • Change your diet
  • External medicines

Improves the blood flow in the veins should:

  • Do exercises for varicose veins
  • Wear compression underwear
  • Do exercises to promote blood circulation

Reduce the load on the leg veins need to:

  • Get rid of the extra weight
  • To improve workflow, to make it comfortable and less tiring for the feet

Strengthen the muscles of the lower leg region should:

  • You can change the way of life
  • Do special exercises to strengthen the leg muscles

How to strengthen blood vessels and varicose veins

Strengthen blood vessels with varicose veins of the drug with the content of escin, diosmin. But, they should appoint only a doctor, it will determine the duration and amount of medication.

Along with medicines, the treatment of varicose veins at home folk remedies

Horse chestnut

Horse chestnut for varicose veins is very effective. Use it in the form of alcoholic tinctures. For its preparation you need ethyl alcohol 500 ml. note that its concentration was 50%. And yet about 50 g themselves with flowers of the horse chestnut. They need to pour alcohol and insist for two weeks. Not forgetting to shake the tincture every day. So, it is a strain and take before meals to 30 drops three times a day.

Nettle leaves

For tincture, you need nettle, about two tablespoons. They need to pour the boiling water about 200 ml. and infuse for an hour. then tincture filter and take three times a day 60 ml size for a month. Then you need to take a break for two weeks and if necessary repeat the treatment.

Hop cones

Cones should be well dried, about two tablespoons. They need to pour hot water, about 200 ml. And boil for 10 minutes, then drain.

Take tincture three times a day 100 ml.

It is worth considering that the hops calm down, relax, so it is best to take before bedtime, as it promotes good and deep sleep.

Another variant of the tincture is suitable for a teaspoon of cones they need a glass of boiling water, let stand for half an hour. And then drink it before meals.

Ginger with honey

You need to mix grated ginger 300 g and 1 kg of honey. take two times a day for one tablespoon for the entire month.


You need to mix a little ginger aloe juice 10 ml. taken 15 minutes before meals once a day.

What food to strengthen the walls of blood vessels with varicose veins

  • Citrus
  • Grapes
  • Apricots
  • Black currant
  • Briar
  • Beetroot
  • Walnuts
  • Cabbage
  • Peas
  • Rhubarb
  • Buckwheat
  • Green tea
  • Rhubarb, spinach

Have to give up:

  • Alcohol
  • Black tea
  • Strong coffee

Treatment of varicose veins med medication includes the use of gels and creams is designed to strengthen blood vessels. Partly to strengthen the veins ointments is heparin, troxerutin and escin.

Alternatively, you can make a compress with apple cider vinegar. For example, to moisten a cloth and apply to the affected area, then wrap with cellophane and wrap a warm scarf. Such a compress soak for half an hour, lift the legs. It is also useful for varicose veins wipe Apple cider vinegar on the affected areas twice a day.

Do not forget that these tools are for outdoor use only suitable if the skin does not have visible injuries.

How to improve blood flow to the legs

Improve the blood circulation in the legs, it is useful to do the exercises. For example, to rise 1 cm for socks and sweating return to the original position. To do so you need three sets of 20 times in one approach. All replays is 5.

Find the compression is better, consulting a doctor, because there are 5 different packs depending on the severity of the disease. This type of lingerie can enhance the blood circulation in the veins, halt the progression of the disease and improve treatment efficacy.

How to reduce the load on the veins vessels

This is especially true when you are a long time to stand, walk, better to take a break. You should also do weight loss, if it exceeds the norm, because the weight of the body will affect the blood circulation in the legs.

How to strengthen the muscles of the lower leg, which is varicose veins

Strengthen the muscles of the lower leg when varicose veins useful exercises with leg movement.

  • Cycling
  • Water aerobics
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Running

On the other hand, varicose veins of the prohibited activities associated with jumping and weight lifting

  • Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Badminton

Definitely need to get rid of lack of exercise, to move, to avoid stagnation in the legs.

Treatment of varicose veins med drugs

Most of the drugs for the treatment of varicose veins can be divided into three main categories

Treatment of varicose veins med drugs
  • The drug restores the normal blood circulation
  • Drugs to prevent complications
  • Drugs to relieve symptoms of pathology

Treatment process, it is possible to combine different action of drugs

  • Improve the tone of veins
  • Blood thinners
  • Protect blood vessels

That any medication, you need to start, consult your doctor, in order not to harm yourself.

Ointment on the basis of heparin – helps get rid of blood clots and improve blood circulation

Non-steroidal drugs to prevent blood clots and relieve inflammation

Medications natural ingredients, such as chestnut, butcher's broom. There are no side effects, strengthen blood vessels, relieve swelling and tired legs.

Treatment of varicose veins at home folk remedies

Treatment of varicose veins at home with folk remedies must necessarily be combined with drugs. As one of only herbs and other folk remedies for varicose veins you can't escape. It is a kind of auxiliary treatment is aimed at reducing the symptoms of varicose veins, making them less painful and powerful.

Most often the treatment of varicose veins used the bark, leaves, flowers and fruits.

  • Leaves, flowers, bark, fruits horse chestnut
  • Inflorescence of white acacia
  • The leaves of wormwood
  • Willow bark
  • Inflorescence of lilac
  • Celandine blooms
  • Grape leaves

Treatment using any of the above mentioned funds, in the form of tinctures. For its preparation we need two to four tablespoons of the raw materials and half a liter of alcohol. Raw materials pour alcohol, insist two weeks in a dark place, strain and use for rubbing, compresses, creams at night.

Instead of alcohol you can use the same amount of boiling water and the mixture was left on low heat for minutes a day. Then the broth is filtered and allowed to cool. Use the decoction can also compresses, ointments, rubbing, or baths for the feet. Some decoctions can be taken orally.

It is worth noting that the packs can be done if you have ulcers and allergic rashes.

What's not varicose veins in the legs

  • Do heavy sports, lift weights
  • Jump, do exercises with a rope
  • Deal with hair removal, massage
  • The use of a contrast shower, mud therapy
  • Abortion, tattoos, soar feet
  • Visit the baths, saunas, solariums
  • Viagra the drug increases libido, arousal
  • Can sports, where there is a large load on the foot, including Jogging
  • Forbidden sweets, spices, are all too fat, smoked, salty, spicy, canned food, soda