Compression underwear for varicose veins

Compression underwear for varicose veins, what better to buy for women, how to dress properly and reviews of people. Why do you need and how to choose. Options to knit a lot, today the choice is great, including tights, stockings and socks for women and men. If you are diagnosed with varicose veins and recommended to use to prevent the special knit – don't give up.

Compression underwear for varicose veins: which is better


At the beginning of the disease people often miss and do not give proper attention. Many hold the erroneous opinion, that the disease has been found only in the elderly. But according to medical statistics it is not. The average age of patients is between 25 to 45 years. Among them there are both men and women.

The causes that lead to the development of the disease, regardless of age:

  1. The long and the daily load on the feet.
  2. Overweight obesity – the increased load on the lower limbs.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Genetic predisposition.

The appearance of the constant pain and cramps in the legs, swelling, heaviness and feeling a burning sensation in the projection of the vein, detection of venous stars, combined with the risk factors, you need to think about, the presence of one of the stages.

Patients are aware of the disease in the first or second stage. To preserve and maintain health much better is the prevention of disease rather than to treat already running stage.

Stage of varicose veins

Different authors interpret differently the number of steps in the disease process. Let us consider the following option.

  • in the early stages. Signs and symptoms are subtle. Understand, that develops the disease is possible, if you are attentive to his condition. At this stage it is possible to achieve a positive result prevention. Very good massage, easy running, a local application creams. Patients complain of heaviness and aching pain in the legs, swelling. in the evening, which disappears in the morning after rest. These symptoms are often blamed on fatigue.
  • in the first step. With the further development of the disease involves the venous pattern. Translucent through the skin spider veins and knots and veins. Patients complain of cramping and a burning sensation in the legs.
  • in the second stage. Increased venous pattern, the number of elements increases. Star and sites are separate and when they are viewed immediately draw attention to themselves. By the end of the day after that, when the load on the feet look pronounced swelling. Foot pain are exhausting the character, and move with great difficulty.
  • the third step. Without treatment and the development of a process to join trophic disorders of the foot skin. Look for dry cracks, the pigment. Venous nodes become more. Minor injuries can break the later formation of ulcers. It is recommended to use a special medical compression garments for varicose veins. In the future, when ineffective treatment or lack of it, of developing serious and life-threatening complications.

Unnoticed symptoms, the second and third stages, you should immediately seek specialized help to give correct and effective treatment. At any stage of possible development of serious complications, which threaten not only the feet, but also whole body.

Many women complain of swollen feet. Similar is observed to suffer from overweight people. Often the swelling can be quite painful. In addition to the begins to suffer and the cardiovascular system. Because of improved cardiac function, blood pressure rises even more.

Swelling is not always associated with the consumption of large amounts of fluid. The reasons for the emergence of trauma is enough. Not everything turned out in time to predict.

There is often swelling in the ankles. Such a symptom may indicate possible heart failure. Young feet swell, if the violation of vascular tone.

Shoes – one of the main reasons why there is swelling. It is advisable to refrain from wearing shoes with a thin heel. Dangerous shoes with completely flat soles. It should be a small heel. The feet should be comfortable shoes, he should not feel embarrassment, especially when walking.


Regulate the amount of fluid consumed per day. In the evening it is necessary to limit yourself to the use of water and tea. The extra fluid will help to bring the herbal teas. Perfect effect is the fruit of elderberry. At varices it is possible to apply compresses from the leaves of elderberry.

Hire charges of plants. Dried horsetail and birch buds. Collection pour boiling water, heated in a water bath and infused. Must be made within 21 days after the meal.

Swelling can be addressed with the help of the plant Astragalus. Thanks to him, the heart of the system comes back to normal. Astragalus is taken in two weeks. Don't forget about the massage and foot bath. Previously, the water dissolves the sea salt, it helps the feet relax.

Procedures is to increase the performance of gymnastic exercises. You need the right foot put left and take socks. Then the socks should stand on both feet, a little jump. Your toes need to bend and straighten. This simple exercise is a good prevention of swelling, as well as prevent any disease.

A good way to get rid of the swelling and stagnation of blood must wear a compression garment: tights, stockings and socks.

This special underwear with varicose veins, you have to fight. Tights or socks will not squeeze the foot, depending on the choice, such as a Jersey, the pressure foot is different. Before therapeutic socks should consult a doctor who will help you choose the right option depending on the level of development of the disease.

The process of using bedding is the pressure which the blood will rise, which will save its stagnation in one place. There are several categories of compression underwear.

The initial stage of the development of the disease is applied and worn for the first class, which will call for you an excellent example of prevention.

If you have started treatment, and there was a more advanced level, useful knit the second category, which can be removed only with the help of a doctor. Pay attention to the type of Jersey you want to use. These can be pantyhose or stockings. It all depends on the damaged areas of disease.

How to wear compression underwear

This kind of underwear is to buy only in pharmacies or specialty stores. It is not necessary to buy a Jersey on the street or at the market. No need to take hand-me-down tights from their friends or relatives, they may lose their properties. The choice of material is very large role. The fabric is flexible.

Knitwear has a few ways of mating. Circular knit without seams are considered the best, it's all in the elasticity. Such viscous circular to achieve the best results. And here is the knit stitches (flat) can not be comfortable and cause scratching and discomfort.

If you think that this Jersey does not stand out among the others, don't worry. Nothing special, you don't notice, everything is the right level and any problem does not arise.

We should not think, if you have underwear, you have coped with the problem. Before use, you must also learn how to put it. Like some time in the next ten minutes, then lie down on the floor and raise the legs slightly higher.

A good grip in your hands to the very tips of the tights and slowly wear until the end of the legs. Women with this problem should not be, and so they are fully able to use tights.

These products are sold only in specialized pharmacies or medical stores. This Jersey is divided into several classes, each class different help and pack. Only a specialist will help determine the compression ratio and select the appropriate product.

Especially in the summer, do not stop wearing this hot time is an additional burden on the veins.

In such hot weather can be a little to relieve the pressure and use socks or stockings. Better to put the rhythm at all, what it is not. In any case, with the help of such underwear will stop further development.

How many read the information about tights, stockings or socks. The only difference is their size and length. Tights cover the legs up to the stomach. Stockings only thigh and leg warmers up to the knees. For example you have a vein located below the knee, then you need socks.

When you buy


If you are pregnant, allowing you to advance-the protection of the feet the appearance of varicose veins and buy tights. Tights must fully protect all the legs up to the abdomen. You have varicose veins or not, in any case, this is a great method of prevention. Don't mind and you don't put, to protect themselves from further development. Special compression tights for pregnant women is similar, in contrast to the usual tights. All the muscles are in the abdomen, repaired. Thus, any disruption and inconvenience does not arise.

The extra sweat is not released, tights breathe through the fabric. You can use them in summer and winter. How many pregnant women do not wear such tights, there was nothing to complain about. Belly in the summer was wet because of the sweat, in the winter, on the contrary, everything to keep warm. Special fabric gives warmth hurt.

Of course, you have to experience discomfort for one reason only. In connection with the growth of the abdomen, do not forget to buy new underwear. And tights stretch themselves depending on the body size.


Now it is very fashionable and attractive to wear, so many women and men also. Yes, men also want to wear better socks than tights. These socks are well suited only when the affected veins are below the knee.

There are some pregnant women who do not trust in this bill, or rather afraid of them, because the safety of their child. They begin to look at these socks. Men can also feel unpleasant pantyhose and also prefer the socks.

There are several types:

  1. Standard, closed toe, socks almost to the buttocks.
  2. Socks rubber bands.
  3. Latch.
  4. Standard, open toe.

Before you can choose the one suitable for you, the sock, it is important to choose, try and consult a doctor phlebologist. Your doctor will help determine your level of disease and to choose the right underwear depending on the pressure.

Socks and tights

Knee doctors recommend in the fight against and prevention of the disease. If you are affected veins in the lower legs, the knee is perfect. If you don't interfere with the tights, unpleasant for them to move (especially male), socks get rid of this problem.

You need to be careful, not everything is so simple and beautiful as it seems at first glance. Remember to think and ask the doctor. If the affected vein began to grow, the knee can help.

The question how to pick up the healing knee, depending on medical recommendations. Look at the affected areas, if they are in the lower parts of the legs, knee-stockings for varicose veins is right for you.

Anti varikozny Jersey need to really help in the fight. Its use in addition to the existing creams and gels to improve the prevention and the treatment itself.

Compression underwear for varicose veins definitely need to use, choose yourself which is better and what suits. How to wear and reviews of friends and doctors help to make a decision. Buy women's and men's specific store or pharmacy, you can also order via the Internet.