Varicose veins: symptoms, treatment

Vascular, system blood circulation and hemostasis difficult and dangerous. To deal with them is also difficult, for example, for the treatment of varicose veins, how much work and patience it requires. But life now is such that only and is varicose veins of the lower extremities. Even if you are standing behind the counter, while sitting at the computer, even the uncomfortable shoes that you have to hurry - it will all block the flow, causing stasis in the veins of the legs, and if this disease, parents were persecuted, in danger twice.

varicose veins

Young girls think that they are not threatened, always the leg is slim and light, so, following the fashion, choose heels and run these days. The main thing - the beauty, the harm can be patient, because beauty, as you know, the victims want. And victims can be very large...

What are varicose veins and why the enlarged veins?

A breach in the structure of the vascular wall and reduce the vascular tone of the deep veins of the lower extremities to dilate unevenly. This process is very well contribute to excessive load on the foot. Blood received through the blood channels of systemic blood flow from the left ventricle, enriched with oxygen and nutrients to the lower extremities and take away carbon dioxide and metabolic products, they would have to climb to the veins through the right ventricle to the lung to give away the unnecessary and to pick up the next batch is needed in the lower extremities substances.

Veins of the lower extremities equipped with valves to raise the blood does not return back, because he won the veto power of the Earth, rises up. Varicose veins the valves cannot close tightly, so all the blood doesn't disappear, but started to count down and stops. Then it becomes a new part of the and blood circulation is disturbed.

From the stagnation of blood in the venous vessels slowly began to form thrombi (blood clots), which are called red, because they are composed mainly of red blood cells. The clot itself forms the head and tail, the head is stick to the vessel wall, and free the tail leaves the adhesion of platelets. Formed blood clot permanently attached to the walls of varicose veins become a time bomb, detached and released into the bloodstream clot is very dangerous because it can clog vital blood vessels. Detached thrombus, usually the tail, and a short trip. When passing through safely into the right atrium, the clot can get stuck in immediately to the pulmonary trunk, if there is a large size, or migrate to the lung blood vessels that successfully wins. Many have heard of the sudden death to lift the blockage of blood vessels in the lungs, doctors this phenomenon is called pulmonary embolism (pulmonary embolism).

Where lies the reason?

To say that varicose veins of the lower limbs the phenomenon is everywhere - there is nothing to say. But there are people who live to a ripe old age, and varicose veins have no idea. Why? Maybe originally they know a secret or give life on the couch, with the foot raised?

Structure the wall of the venous vessel was broken, that much is not necessary, just some inherent characteristics of the individual or the conditions created in the process of life, can cause the beginning of the pathological process:

  1. Genetic predisposition, that is, people from my parents, not a disease, and building ships, a tendency to varicose veins, and disease;
  2. Female sex ratio of natural purpose.
  3. Loss of elasticity and tone of the vascular wall.

Loss of elasticity and tone of the vascular wall occurs in the event that:

  • Professional (work is associated with a long-term stay in an upright position);
  • Excess stress during pregnancy, obesity and exercise;
  • Hormonal background, where the leading place belongs to hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause;
  • The constant violation of diet and food preferences of products, which affect the vascular wall;
  • Metabolic diseases;
  • Diseases of the liver (hepatitis and cirrhosis);
  • Hypertension;
  • Smoking;
  • Venous, arteriovenous fistula, which can cause varicose veins also adolescents.

Make varicose veins the legs?

In addition to these described the terrible events of varicose disease of the lower limbs simply unattractive. At the beginning of the disease, when extended to 2-3 wreaths, people often focus on does not pay, but as the disease progresses the problems started. The knot came out, the skin on the inner surface of the legs go back and change colors, and those seats get really itchy. The skin is damaged and ulcerate. But if the plus is diabetes? Varicose veins of the legs – is not an independent disease, the legs, the whole body is involved in this, because it is the circulatory system.

Thus, the manifestations of varicose veins of the lower extremities can be presented as follows:

  1. Feeling of tiredness in the legs, heaviness and swelling of the limbs;
  2. Thickened and complex plots veins protruding above the skin surface of the tibia dark-blue nodes;
  3. Compacted, darkened elasticity to the affected areas of skin;
  4. Cramps in the legs;
  5. Hair loss and burning sensation in areas of varicose veins;
  6. Itching in the areas of varicose veins nodes.
  • Increased pain;
  • The consequences of stasis-dermatitis, eczema and ulcers in the damaged areas;
  • Itchy areas look like blisters and cracks, which give to bleeding at the slightest injury. And if there is bleeding, thrombus formation is always present.
varicose veins on the legs

Blood clots can, in turn, are easily complicated by thrombophlebitis, which is characterized by the following features:

  • Shortness of breath, shortness of breath, weakness;
  • The growth temperature of the limb, his skin was hot and tight;
  • Pain in the course of the vessel;
  • The redness of the limb during the affected vein.

Special types of varices

Women with varicose veins

Of course, the most natural of varicose veins of the lower extremities, but veins of the pelvis is also a frequent phenomenon, and can imagine what the authorities can not walk, because it is not visible that occurs in the veins of the internal organs. In particular, the plan "will succeed" the woman's body, women even have a separate group of "them" varicose veins.

The physiological characteristics of the fair half of mankind are exposed to this disease more so than nature has endowed their function of procreation, and is involved in specific organs of the body, where blood circulation is very intense, requiring a number of avenues. When a woman becomes a mother, the body needs recovery and to ensure the normal gestation. Of course, the load on the body is huge and stagnation in the pelvis and lower limbs, the place is.

Varicose veins during pregnancy is the starting point for the development of the disease in the future, if the dilatation of the pelvis so the legs will probably take a "decent" time and place, began to threaten not only health, but also human life.

The problem is that the varicose veins of small pelvis just to see, because it requires special equipment, because the veins of the pelvis is not as easy as the legs. However, they also form the nodes, and similarly, the veins of the legs can be blood clotting, which can break off and "running free swimming", sorry, short... Varicose veins in the pelvis can cause internal bleeding. Operations on the pelvic organs, especially in medicine, require compression stockings (stockings and tights) to prevent life-threatening complications associated with the removal of a blood clot.

Men varicose veins

Varicose veins in men, it occurs to a lesser extent than women, but if lesions of the foot occurs in the same way. Therefore, all that has been said above and below - is fully applicable to the stronger sex.

I would like to add, that men can "boast" a very special man for varicose veins - varicose veins in the spermatic cord (varicocele). Fortunately, this type of male varicose veins worked well and life is not particularly dangerous, but it is better to do without it.

Reticular (cosmetic) .

Sometimes through the skin of the Shin or the thigh, suddenly begins to exude a mesh of tiny blood vessels. Especially impressionable can be calm immediately is the so-called. reticular varices, or varicose superficial veins. It is good quality and not quite real. The progression and serious complications are not inherent to him, that he, Usually, other than small cosmetic error, not a threat. Therefore, reticular varicose veins of the lower extremities is also called cosmetic.

But it is not particularly prone to remember what is dangerous varicose veins on the legs and start fighting with him already at an early stage, which are just skipped and ignored the patient. However, you can find information about the disease, future patients with the vascular surgeon does not try to do without surgery in the future interested in the recipes of traditional medicine and often quite successfully to cope with the progression of the disease at home.

Treatment of folk remedies

varicose veins during pregnancy

Food varicose veins

No doubt, nutrition varicose veins role. And considerable. Lose weight with varicose veins is actually very useful, so this should start, of course, without resorting to the numerous promotional products, which can be good for weight loss easy, but is contraindicated in the treatment of varicose veins.

Varicose veins of the lower limbs first, one should not forget:

  1. Alcohol (completely);
  2. Strong coffee;
  3. Canned, spicy and smoked products;
  4. Sweets and salt are varicose veins not even love - they water in the body delay;
  5. Fried potatoes a great substitute for "potatoes" and hear what I advise people.

And knowledgeable suggest:

  • consume foods rich in vitamins a and E, although b and C also do not mind;
  • wheat, rye and oats, cabbage of all varieties and soybean, carrot, gooseberry and wild rose in particular - has a positive effect on the venous wall;
  • unlimited vegetables, fresh juices of citrus fruits, blueberries, cranberries and strawberries fresh;
  • nettle, dill and parsley, salads, not only helps with varicose veins, but significantly reduces weight.

Apple cider vinegar against varicose veins

Apple cider vinegar is widely sold in the store and it is quite expensive. Pleasant to the taste. Treatment:

2 teaspoon vinegar, add a spoonful of honey, fill it with purified water, which amount is 200-250 ml and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Diluted in a ratio of 1:10 apple cider vinegar good evening grate the tibia, in the morning, the ship will feel it.

food varicose veins

It is time to see a doctor.

Conservative treatment

Sometimes initiated in a timely manner, the treatment stops the disease, and people live without a doctor, supporting themselves with folk remedies, regime and diet. But what happens when the disease started and already can help:

  • Infusions and decoctions;
  • Support socks;
  • Lotions and creams advertised in the media;
  • Massage and gymnastics;
  • Even hirudotherapy does not help.

So, it is time to go to the doctor. Register in any clinic to explain what varicose veins of the lower extremities is a particular surgeon vessels.

Of course, medicine is always striving to do without radical measures, that is, without surgery, the latest attempt to conservative treatment. All the action, even the simplest, is associated with impaired blood vessel integrity, and, consequently, blood clot formation, which occurs in varicose veins. In addition, any surgical intervention requires anesthesia. Here, you should consider the age of the patient, it is well known that in old age, varicose veins often accompany chronic diseases of the respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system, and this fact greatly complicates the selection and maintenance of anesthesia. Therefore, the vascular surgeon treats varicose veins conservatively at first.

Conservative methods of treatment, in addition to the ointment, cream, pill, varicose veins, are of such a type of minimally invasive surgery, such as compression sclerotherapy (special treatment) and laser coagulation of varicose veins (below), because this treatment does not require hospital, less traumatic and almost painless.

The treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs, prescribe drugs that improve blood flow in the veins, defensive wall and blood thinners. These are:

treatment of varicose veins
  1. Drugs whose action is directed at improving venous outflow;
  2. Antiplatelet agents that dissolve blood clots;
  3. Drugs that prevent blood clotting (anticoagulants);
  4. Cream for varicose veins, gels and creams of local importance, is the therapeutic effect of the above mentioned criteria;
  5. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.