Drug treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins of the lower extremities is a common disease that affects people of Mature age, especially women. The pathology is due to changes in the walls and the weakness of the venous valves, which leads to irreversible expansion and deformation of the veins. Appointed time products varicose veins in the legs to reduce pain, feeling of heaviness, symptoms, trophic disorders, to relieve night cramps.

treatment of varicose veins in the legs

What is the best cure for varicose veins? Drugs, for the treatment of varicose veins, belong to different drug groups, produced by pharmacological companies in different countries. You can stop the progression of the disease to avoid complications and possible to do without surgery, it is important to know what are the phlebotrophic drugs, which are varicose veins and what is their mechanism of action.

Group of drugs and their effects

Drugs varicose veins are an important part of conservative treatment. Their timely and proper application of the improve the condition of the venous system. They are very compatible and the right combination to potentiate each other. Drugs varicose veins of the lower limbs need to use the earliest possible stage of the disease, strictly following the doctor's recommendations.

On the background of reception of medicines the different groups gradually strengthen the vascular wall, which prevents deformation of the formation of varices. The blood becomes more fluid, reduce the risk of thrombosis and embolism. Combined treatment reduces inflammation, swelling, improves metabolism.


These hormones have powerful anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effect, quickly relieve the swelling and pain. But despite efficiency, apply to the drugs in this group rarely, there is a strict condition, considering a large number of unwanted effects. Typically, hormones are used only in the form of ointments and creams.

Remedies varicose veins

Such tools are integral parts of drug treatment. They are used to strengthen blood vessels and toning the weakened venous wall. To get the desired effect of their use, drugs with varicose veins should take the courses several times a year. Because until the medication takes 2-3 months.

Venous medications with varicose veins are advised and required to take in the summer. They reduce the load on the vessels of the legs, relieve swelling and pain, which are amplified by the heat.

Medicines varicose veins in the legs women often taken to reduce the dose continuously or with small breaks. Chronic venous insufficiency often develops after childbirth, on the background of obesity or diabetes.

Preparations to strengthen the blood vessels with varicose veins appointed surgeon to the stage before and after the surgery in order to avoid various complications.

Medicines varicose veins cause the following effects:

  • refreshing the vein wall;
  • to reduce venous stasis;
  • intensification of capillary blood circulation.
  • improves lymphatic drainage;
  • reduces the permeability of the walls of the venous and capillary vessels;
  • to improve the regenerative and metabolic processes in damaged tissues.

Antiplatelet agents

remedies varicose veins

These medicines, when varicose veins are always accompanied by system of medical treatment. The venous wall, they do not affect, but thin the blood and improve its flow quality. Drugs of this group prevents the development of life-threatening complications.

Medicines to thin the blood varicose veins used only according to the instructions of the expert. The treatment is performed in a dynamic laboratory monitoring of blood coagulation.

Drugs, anticoagulants varicose veins are common treatment. The physician should separately determine the dose, frequency of intake per day, and duration of the course. Expert help should be strictly observed. After all, even the best medicine in this group has a lot of contraindications and side effects.

Against thrombosis

Are used to varicose veins the legs is not as therapeutic but as a prophylactic, protects against the development of dangerous complications — thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Drugs inhibit the adhesion of blood platelets, which violates the blood clotting in the inflamed sites of the venous wall. Detached blood clots can clog the blood vessels of the brain, heart or lungs, triggering ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, embolism of the pulmonary artery. These drugs, when used properly and regularly ingested helps to avoid such terrible complications.


Any drugs from the group of Nsaids anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs you need to take a short course, when the pain along the vessels, rise in temperature, the risk of developing thrombophlebitis. Medications swelling in the legs varicose veins also often choose this group of drugs, because they contribute to the rapid elimination of inflammation in the soft tissues of the foot.

Any effective non-steroidal drug to choose, determined by your doctor. You need to consider the manifestations of undesirable side effects, especially when uncontrolled reception and enterprises to self-medication.

Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic treatment method can be only in addition to the complex medical treatment. Drugs in this group of patients are sometimes taken for prevention of the disease or the stage of deep remission process.


Used as part of an integrated treatment, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improve metabolism. Vitamins to improve general health, strengthen immunity, accelerate the regeneration of tissues. Therefore, they can be used at any stage of the disease, including the prevention of the aggravation of the process and the presence of trophic disorders.

treatment of varicose veins

How to choose the optimal drugs?

What is the treatment for varicose veins better? The exact answer to this question is no. The choice of the most effective drug depends on the severity of the disease, presence of complications, age, health status of the patient. But even the most effective remedy for varicose veins does not change the situation, if it is not accepted other means of combination therapy.