How to treat varicose veins in the legs of men

Varicose veins – a serious chronic disease, the peripheral blood vessels. Its occurrence and development is caused by many factors: standing work, intense physical loading, Smoking, pregnancy, diabetes, liver disease, genetic predisposition. Pathology is to reduce the tone of the vein walls and capillaries, which leads to stagnation of venous blood, local swelling, inflammation, and trophic skin lesions, but, more importantly, thrombosis – the formation of a stable blood clot. This clotting can cause blockage of blood vessels in the limbs subsequent tissue necrosis, and can enter the bloodstream and penetrate any – of the pulmonary artery, the brain or the heart. In the latter case, there is a real threat to life.

treatment of varicose veins in men

Varicose veins in men and women

According to statistics, varicose veins of the lower extremities is more common in the fair half of mankind. The reason for this eternal purpose of women during pregnancy and motherhood. During pregnancy the body is under severe stress, which affects the condition of the circulatory system. However, women are very sensitive to the condition of his leg and the first appearance of spider veins, varicose veins, and even more pronounced veins, trying to work and run to the doctor-phlebologist. As a result, the disease can be stopped at an early stage.

Other business men. In most cases varicose veins in men after treatment the doctor has already progressed very far. Yes, pregnancy men is not threatened, but they are a list of specific "male" factor, you can determine the appearance and development of this unpleasant disease:

  • standing and sedentary work, especially in the low mobility of the lower limbs;
  • service in the army and the police;
  • intense workouts and sports activities;
  • hunting, fishing, Hiking and other outdoor activities, often accompanied by hypothermia.

Men risk factors – Smoking strong tobacco and drinking beverages with high ethanol content. Nicotine promotes dysfunction of peripheral vessels. Alcohol also affects the liver cells is responsible for producing enzymes that prevent blood clots and dissolve already formed clots. The stronger a man's addiction to alcohol and tobacco, the greater the risk of varicose veins, and more dangerous for its complications.

But the main negative factor that complicates the treatment of varicose veins in the legs of men is a constant neglect of patients is treated. Men firmly believe that varicose veins is one of the many women's moods, which is a real macho should not be ignored. It ends only when the skin to form non-healing ulcers, and it can help at least the operation resection of the affected vein. It is perfectly clear that doctors can only open the tip of the iceberg and that the disease has affected a much wider area. Affected to varying degrees, all the vessels of the legs and after surgery, the man has worked long and hard to recover and to be treated to prevent symptoms of the disease, is often much more daunting, and lead to amputation, disability or even death are the result of the blockage of large blood clots in the main vessels.

Symptoms of varicose veins legs

Initial stage of varicose veins in men does not differ from varicose veins in women. On the skin spider veins, spider veins, it becomes evenly colored. Decreased sensitivity, is a local, not severe pain and hypothermia, often painful cramps in my calves and thighs. In the evening of the tibia very swollen, especially if the patient is to stand or sit for a long time in one position. The swelling subsides during sleep. Regions, swelling is often seen with hair loss – cessation of hair growth.

Over time, the negative phenomena are amplified, palpation and examination of the subcutaneous venous are distinguishable bumps and glomeruli. If they don't do anything, the skin becomes thinner and is ulcers, it is very difficult to treat and can lead to the development of severe infectious lesions of the skin (inflammation), soft tissue (cellulitis) and general blood poisoning (sepsis). These risks, of course, can remove the blood clot risk, which is mentioned above.

signs of varicose veins

If a man goes to the doctor

Even the most courageous and confident men are very often afraid to go to the doctor-phlebologist. Some are ashamed of their supposedly "women's" disease, while others are ashamed to show the doctor what they have brought to their own body, signed by his own cowardice. Someone just shows carelessness, thinking that varicose veins in men legs – the disease is not deadly, and it is better to bring the situation to the extreme, and then again to cure all the help of modern laser coagulation ("or when this function is called, doctor?"). Unfortunately, that the treatment most affected veins will not save all the rest, we have already talked about.

If a man find the strength to go to the doctor, you should at least start to cure varicose veins folk remedies at home. I must say: full recovery, especially if the pathological process has gone on long enough, so treatment is not. How not to help use massively sold in pharmacies gels and creams for varicose veins.

However, a certain positive effect of the use of folk remedies, without a doubt, is and the negative side effects of drugs the "green pharmacy" is much less than synthetic drugs. In addition, many of the drugs recommended by "official" medicine, created on the basis of popular recipes.

Traditional recipes for varicose veins

Most of the traditional medicines are for external use only. The exception is, perhaps, only Apple cider vinegar is a unique and powerful tool, capable when used properly to overcome varicose veins in men in the early stages.

Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar made from apples contains a unique combination of vitamins a, C and B-group, organic acids (vinegar, citric acid, lactic acid), amino acids and trace elements, which contribute to the restoration of the walls of blood vessels and improves the trophism of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. At the same time the vinegar is antibacterial and fungicidal action and treat inflammation and a fungal disease, which inevitably occurs with varicose veins the legs, because of decreased local immunity.

Apple cider vinegar is used internally and externally. By mouth with a glass of warm water take two tablespoons of vinegar and a spoonful of honey. The mixture is drunk in one gulp before eating.


Apple cider vinegar should be taken orally at a later stage of varicose veins because it promotes blood clotting!

Local tool, which is used in the form of compresses and body wraps. It is necessary to observe a measure not to cause burns to skin reactions and allergies. A compress applied to the 30-40 minutes, the patient must be flat, lift your legs. On top of the vinegar soaked gauze on the wound polyethylene.

Where to get apple cider vinegar varicose veins?

Apple cider vinegar can be bought from the store or pharmacy or make your own. You can do this, take 1 kg of apples and crushed them in a blender. More mass is 50 g sugar, 20 g bread, 10 g of dry yeast. The mixture should ferment for at least 6 weeks. Then its 30% diluted with water and filtered through a filter tank. Possible and quick way, without bread and yeast. Fast vinegar requires 2 weeks.

folk remedy for varicose veins

Medicinal plants and charges

Good effect in the treatment of varicose veins in men, give the following remedies based on medicinal plants:

  • alcoholic extract of horse chestnut. Used for grinding the feet and lower legs;
  • herbal teas of oak leaves, nettle, knotweed, Bidens. Used in compresses, baths, taken in the form of broths;
  • infusion of oak bark. Help astringent and antiseptic for the emergence of trophic ulcers;
  • alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe is used daily by rubbing 2-3 weeks.

In the treatment of varicose veins folk remedies, which include as far as possible extractant ethanol, you have to be careful, so as not to provoke a burn of the skin. Naturally, you should avoid alcohol tinctures contain exceed the recommended dose. Many of the plants in case of overdose, can give the desired effect, and even cause poisoning.

Traditions, bad habits, and varicose veins

Because if a man does not treat his disease, he should remember that the men's bad habits at times worsen the condition of patients feet. This is especially true of Smoking. However, the use of alcohol, leading first to a sharp expansion of blood vessels, and then the narrowing, is not conducive to recovery.

Varicose veins you should not abuse sauna, steam sauna, winter fishing and winter swimming. Abnormal temperature will cause immediate damage to weakened veins and skin. You need to think about changing jobs involves continuous standing (builders, master universal machines, the regulatory authorities) or squatting (truck drivers). You need to forget about practicing power sports, long-distance running.

Reduce the harm caused by the feet, helps in physical therapy. Its purpose is to enhance the outflow of venous blood and the overall blood circulation in the capillaries. The production required a gymnastics class, after a busy day. In general, the more a man suffering from varicose veins have free time to be in a horizontal position and keep the legs above the body, the better. In this case, the "diva" way of life, oddly enough, will only benefit him.

Prevention of varicose veins in men

If a man has a genetic predisposition to varicose veins or the risk to earn it as an occupational disease, he should also consider your diet. Abandon is not only spirits, but all the foods that exacerbate the condition of the liver cells, improves cholesterol, reduces vascular tone, As if it is difficult, you have to give up the fatty, spicy, salty, smoked. On the basis of the meal should be lean meat, seafood, vegetables, unsweetened fruit, cheese.

Many men are skeptical of vegetarianism, believing that this lifestyle does not suit representatives of the stronger sex. However, studies have shown that the rejection of food of animal origin reduces the risk of varicose veins. The choice is everyone's business.

It is important to correctly choose clothes and shoes, especially if you have flat feet or just a non-standard foot. Tight, uncomfortable shoes – the first step varicose veins in the legs.


In that case, if you don't cure varicose veins folk remedies all fail, you should make the effort to go to the doctor. Timely designed and conducted medical, compression or surgical treatment helps to avoid serious consequences for the running of varicose veins in men.